How Americans vote is changing. New technologies allow voter identification at polls, and more people than ever are voting by mail. At the same time, there are more barriers to voter registration and early voting, and states are struggling to conduct open and fair elections during a time of tight budgets.
- Florida Once Again at Center of Debate Over Voting Rules
The state that ignited the battle over who won the 2000 presidential election is ground zero for another partisan debate over who should be allowed to vote.
- Voting Early in Florida Harder Under New, Restrictive Law
Florida voting rights advocates worry that the state's reduced days for early voting — and eliminating the Sunday before Election Day which has traditionally been when African American parishioners went to vote after church — aim to curtail minority voting. The Republican sponsor of the law says it's intended to give counties more time to set up for Election Day.
- College Student Surprised to be Targeted for Voter Fraud
An effort in Maine to eliminate ‘rampant fraud’ in voting leads to an investigation of out-of-state college students and an effort to close election-day registration.
- Technology Could Supplant Voter IDs at Polls but Registration Problems Remain
Most Americans still cast paper ballots, but new electronic technologies are making it easier to identify voters at the polls.
- multimedia: video
- Shift from Polls to Mail Changes the Way Americans Vote
While battles rage over voter eligibility and vote monitoring at polls, little attention has been paid to the growing number of absentee and mail ballots.
- Cost-Cutting Measures Could Limit Urban, Rural Voting Access
Tight budgets make it harder for state and local governments to hold ‘good elections.’