New Voting Rules Make Getting Latinos to the Polls Harder than Ever
Every month for the next two decades, 50,000 Latinos
will turn 18 years old. With that many new eligible
voters and dramatic population growth expected, Latinos
could dominate voting in the Southwest, particularly
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado, according to
the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research
Every year, 600,000 more Latinos become eligible
voters, making them a potentially potent voting force.
However, Latinos have a historically low turnout
at the polls: Only around 30 percent of eligible
Latinos vote, according to the non-profit Washington,
D.C.-based Pew Hispanic Center. Advocacy groups see the
national push toward more stringent voter
identification laws as a way to suppress an already
apathetic Latino vote.
Of the nation’s 21.3 million eligible Latino voters,
only 6.6 million voted in the 2010 elections, according
to the Pew Hispanic Center. White and black voters had
higher turnout — 48.6 percent and 44 percent,
“We haven’t been able to engage the community to really
participate in the democratic process,” said Carlos
Duarte of the Phoenix-based non-partisan voter
education organization, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund.
“To be focusing our energy on trying to generate
another obstacle for the people to participate, I think
is completely misguided.”
Duarte, Texas director of Mi Familia Vota, which also
has branches in Arizona, Colorado and Nevada, said
legislators should instead encourage Latinos to vote.
Despite the low turnout of recent elections, the
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed
Officials predicts record voting by Latinos in November
- more than 12.2 million voters. That would be a 26
percent increase in turnout from the 2008 election.

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Photos by Lizzie Chen/News21.
Evan Bacalao is senior director of civic engagement for
the Los Angeles-based NALEO, the leadership
organization representing more than 6,000 elected and
appointed Latino officials. He said the group’s
projections are typically conservative. NALEO uses the
Census and Latino voter turnout in previous elections
to forecast turnout for November.
NALEO still is concerned about confusion over new ID
legislation, Bacalao said. The organization is focusing
on voter education so that Latinos are not discouraged
from voting because they are misinformed about what
documents they need, he said.
Of the eight states with the largest Latino
populations, four — Texas, Florida, Arizona and
Colorado ¬– have some form of voter ID law, according
to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The
Texas photo ID law is awaiting a U.S. District Court
Florida voters must show a photo ID that includes their
signature, a student ID card for example. Arizona
voters may show a photo ID or two non-photo forms of
identification. Colorado voters must show ID, but that
could include a bank statement, utility bill, paycheck
or some similar form.
In the other four states with large Latino populations,
voters in New York, Illinois and New Jersey are not
required to show ID, but legislatures in each state
have ID bills pending. California has no ID requirement
and none is before the legislature.
With the exception of Rhode Island, voter ID
legislation has passed by a party-line vote —
Republicans for, Democrats against, said Richard Hasen,
a professor of law and political science at the
University of California, Irvine School of Law.
Supporters say photo ID laws will reduce voter fraud,
but Texas Democratic Rep. Trey Martinez Fisher calls
the legislation “a solution in search of a problem.”
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott cited 50 voter fraud
convictions since 2002 as justification for the strict
photo ID law that passed in March 2011. Texas has more
than 13 million registered voters. The majority of
voter fraud cases in Texas involved mail-in ballots,
according to state records reviewed by News21. Only one
case resulted in a guilty plea to in-person voter
impersonation, the type of alleged fraud a photo ID is
supposed to prevent.
Other Southwestern states report little to no voter
New Mexico, which doesn’t require photo ID, has never
convicted a voter of fraud, said Lyn Payne, records
custodian for the state attorney general’s office.
Arizona, which has a strict, non-photo ID requirement
to vote , has had seven voter fraud convictions since
2000 and none for voter impersonation at the polls,
according to state records reviewed by News21.
Colorado, which has a less strict, non-photo voter ID
requirement, has had 21 convictions for voter fraud
since 2000. Three were for voter impersonation,
according to state records reviewed by News21. It is
not clear whether the voter impersonation was by mail
or in person.
Despite increasing legislative action on photo ID bills
nationally, the majority of Southwestern states do not
have such laws.
Photo ID laws have been proposed in the Colorado
Legislature in each of the last eight years. The New
Mexico Legislature has considered photo ID laws in each
of the last four years.
Latinos make up 13 percent of eligible Colorado voters.
In April, Democratic legislators defeated in committee
a bill that would have let Colorado voters decide on a
photo ID law by putting a referendum on the November
ballot. The Denver Post reported that the bill’s
sponsor, Republican state Sen. Shawn Mitchell, has said
he may ask citizens to petition to put ID legislation
on a future ballot.
New Mexico legislators struck down three photo ID
proposals this year alone. The state has the highest
concentration of Latino residents in the country and 38
percent of eligible voters are Latino, according to the
Pew Hispanic Center.
A significant turnout by Latinos in Colorado and New
Mexico could have an impact on the electoral vote count
in November. President Barack Obama won Colorado in
2008 — after the state voted Republican in eight of the
last nine presidential elections. New Mexico has
typically leaned Democratic in recent years.
Latino voters accounted for 31.6 percent of the turnout
in New Mexico for the 2010 elections. In Colorado, 7.9
percent of the 2010 vote was Latino.
Arizona requires voters to show proof of citizenship
when registering by using a state form. A federal court
struck down the portion of Arizona law that required
citizenship proof when registering with a federal form.
The Arizona secretary of state’s office website directs
voters to prove citizenship, but does not inform them
that they can register by using federal forms.
Arizona Solicitor General David Cole said the state
plans to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Tammy Patrick, a federal compliance officer at the
Maricopa County Recorder’s office, said if a voter
tries to register without proof of citizenship, an
election officer is not obligated to inform them of the
federal form option. However, if a voter asks
specifically for that form, the officer is required to
provide it.
Civil rights groups cite the handful of fraud
convictions as evidence that ID laws are unnecessary
and could disenfranchise eligible voters.
The Texas Voter ID bill was signed into law in May
2011, requiring every voter to present a
government-issued photo ID at polling places. Many in
the Latino community and Democratic Party believe the
law will disenfranchise voters at a time when the
number of Hispanic voters is growing. Produced by
Lizzie Chen and Ana Victoria Lastra.
“These measures are usually reported to be justified by
fraud but in fact voter fraud — it has been
demonstrated time and time again — is frankly minuscule
in proportion to the number of folks that vote,” said
Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.
MALDEF, a national Latino civil rights organization
with headquarters in Los Angeles, has strongly opposed
ID laws and has filed legal challenges to voting rights
laws in Arizona, Colorado, California, and New Mexico —
most recently against the Texas photo ID law, which, in
July, was argued before a three-judge U.S. District
Court panel in Washington, D.C.
Voter fraud pales in comparison to the number of voters
who would be disenfranchised by ID laws, Saenz said.
Estimates of the number of voters who lack ID under the
new Texas law has ranged from the state’s 167,724 to
the U.S. Department of Justice’s 1.5 million.
Despite opponents’ claims that voter fraud is rare,
supporters of ID laws maintain that it threatens fair
“It’s something that we hold very dear as a fundamental
right in our country and in our state — the sanctity of
our elections, that we have full and open, honest
access elections to protect that right,” said Chris
Elam, communications director and deputy executive
director for the Texas Republican Party. “And we as
Republicans feel that it needs to be protected and to
make sure that we can do so.”
The push for ID laws comes at a time of dramatic growth
in the Latino population.
There are about 50.5 million Latino U.S. citizens —
native-born and naturalized — and the Census projects
that number will more than double to 132.8 million by
July 2050.
Latino political muscle first drew attention in the
2008 presidential election when 9.7 million Latinos
voted — 2 million more voters than in 2004, according
to the Census. And their potential is even greater.
Voting rights activists are focused on Texas, where
Latinos accounted for 63.1 percent of all population
growth between 2000 and 2009, according to the Center
for American Progress, a Washington, D.C.-based,
non-partisan progressive think tank.
One in five registered Texas voters is Latino,
according to the 2010 Census. The Center for American
Progress estimates that nearly 2.15 million eligible
Texas Latinos are not registered to vote. An additional
880,000 Texas legal residents are eligible to
naturalize, and therefore vote, according to Department
of Homeland Security estimates.
That exceeds the 950,695 votes by which Sen. John
McCain beat Barack Obama in Texas in the 2008
presidential elections. Despite population growth and
increased participation in 2008, Latinos did not make
themselves a force at the polls.
Antonio Gonzalez, president of the Southwest Voter
Registration Education Project, a non-partisan Latino
voter participation organization based in San Antonio,
said the Southwest is not a voting culture. There are
fewer independent organizations — unions, for example —
to engage and educate the electorate, compared to other
parts of the nation, Gonzalez said.
“It’s sad enough that Latinos don’t vote, now you’re
gonna cut that group in half,” Austin, Texas, resident
Rachael Torres said of the state’s new strict photo ID
law. “There’s no reason for that.” If people have
legally registered to vote, that should be enough, said
Torres who is a registered voter.
Latino voters don’t think their votes count so they
don’t see the vote as a right they must exercise,
Torres said. She encourages other Latinos to vote,
calling the ID law another “scare tactic” to discourage
Photo ID laws deter voters for several reasons, Saenz
said. Some people do not have documents that prove
their identity — they were born before it was common to
issue birth certificates or they were born in rural
areas where they might never have received the
documents. Others might be deterred by the time and
resources required to get the documents, Saenz
The Texas voter ID bill, SB-14, is one of the strictest
photo ID laws. The Justice Department denied approval
on the grounds that Texas violated Section 5 of the
Voting Rights Act because of the disproportionate
impact the law would have on minorities and the
Democratic state legislators and civil rights groups
such as MALDEF question the intent of the ID law,
citing the lack of state studies to determine the
potential impact on minorities and the racially
motivated rhetoric behind the bill in the state with
the nation’s second-largest Latino population.
At the federal court hearings in July, several state
lawmakers testified about reasons Republicans gave for
the ID law — hotly debated in the Texas Legislature
since 2005. Democratic state Rep. Martinez Fischer
described the debate as “goal posts that kept moving.”
Justification ranged from stopping illegal immigrants
from voting to preventing voter fraud and maintaining
election integrity, he said of the floor debate.
Despite allegations of discriminatory intent,
Republican lawmakers and supporters of the bill
maintain that it was designed to strengthen Texans’
confidence in the voting process.
“The purpose of SB-14 was to prevent in-person voter
fraud,” Republican state Sen. Tommy Williams said. He
was one of several Republican legislators called by
Texas to testify.
Williams said he supported the bill because he thinks
that voter impersonation occurs more than the numbers
indicate. He testified that someone voted under his
grandfather’s name until 1994 — 60 years after he died.
Republican state Sen. Jose Aliseda echoed Sen.
Williams’ sentiments that the bill was not intended to
disenfranchise minorities.
“The public expected us to pass the legislation,” he
said. Aliseda testified that his constituents supported
an ID law. Whether the law curbs voter fraud, he said,
what was most important was that Texans’ wanted the
Del Valle, Texas, resident Juan Rosa said the ID law is
a valuable safeguard. Rosa, who is from El Salvador,
became a citizen in 2002 and has voted since then, he
said. Latinos will have an impact in politics, he said,
but first they need to vote. “We can’t actually raise
up our voice if we don’t vote,” Rosa said.
The Texas Democratic Party has called the ID law an
attempt to disenfranchise a community that has the
potential to change the politics in a state that has
been Republican for 30 years. Sixty-five percent of
Latino voters said they would back Democrats in the
2010 election, according to the Pew Hispanic Center; 22
percent said they would vote Republican.
The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University
School of Law, a group opposing strict photo ID laws,
reported that 6.3 percent of Latino voters in Texas
lack the correct form of ID, compared to 4.3 percent of
Until the photo ID law passed in 2011, Texans could
vote by showing a variety of non-photo IDs ranging from
their voter registration card to a utility bill showing
their name and address.
Under SB-14, voters would be required to show photo ID,
which could include a U.S. passport, driver’s license,
military ID, citizenship certificate with a photo, an
election identification certificate or a license to
carry a concealed handgun.
Opponents also cite the burden placed on Texas
residents to obtain the documents to acquire a
government-issued photo ID.
Under the new law, the Texas Department of Public
Safety would offer free photo IDs to registered voters
who lack a valid ID. Individuals still would be
required to present a birth certificate, citizenship
papers, or additional documentation to obtain a state
ID — documents many do not have, said Denise Lieberman,
a civil rights lawyer with the Advancement Project, a
Washington, D.C.-based policy, communications and legal
action group committed to racial justice.
Lieberman and other opponents have argued that
low-income, Latino residents do not have the money to
pay for documents such as a birth certificate, which
costs $22 in Texas, and more if it is mailed to voters.
Supporters disagree.
Republican state Sen. Williams testified in the federal
hearing that owning a birth certificate is a “fact of
life” because it is necessary for so many things. So
requiring voters to purchase one to obtain an ID isn’t
an undue financial burden, he said.
Voter ID legislation also has forced states to consider
the efficiency and accessibility of offices that issue
photo IDs.
Democratic state Sen. Wendy Davis and Democratic state
Rep. Rafael Anchia said their Texas constituents — many
of whom work hourly wage jobs and rely on public
transportation — also would be affected by the cost and
time-consuming process of obtaining ID.
Eighty-one of the 254 counties in Texas do not have a
Department of Motor Vehicles office, meaning an
individual living in West Texas in Fort Hancock would
have to travel either 50 miles west to El Paso or 66
miles east to Van Horn, Texas, where the office is only
open Thursdays.
Despite his support for the voter ID law, Republican
state Rep. Jose Aliseda — whose constituents mostly are
rural farmers — acknowledged that it would be a burden
on his district to require people to take a day off and
drive 60 miles round trip to get an ID. Paying for the
documents required to obtain a free election
identification card would also be a financial burden,
he said.
Anchia opposes SB-14, but he does not oppose a Texas
photo ID law in the future. Legislators need to balance
access to the franchise with ballot box security he
said, and the Texas law does not strike that balance.
Ana Lastra, Lizzie Chen, Khara Persad and Jack
Fitzpatrick of News21 contributed to this article.
Lindsey Ruta, Annelise Russell and Ana Lastra were
Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation Fellows,
and Jack Fitzpatrick and Khara Persad were Hearst
Foundations Fellows this summer for News21.
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